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Артикул: 5412794

Подушка лыжи Polaris 5412794

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Подушка лыжи Polaris 5412794 для снегоходов Polaris RMK 800 и др. моделей(полный список в описании)

Категория: Лыжи и накладки

Подушка лыжи Polaris 5412794.

Используется на снегоходах:

2006 Polaris Snowmobile 600 HO RMK 144" (S06PK6FS)
2006 Polaris Snowmobile 700 RMK 144" (S06PK7HS)
2006 Polaris Snowmobile 700 RMK 151" (S06PL7HS)
2006 Polaris Snowmobile 700 RMK 159" (S06PM7HS)
2006 Polaris Snowmobile 900 RMK 151" (S06PL7DS)
2006 Polaris Snowmobile 900 RMK 159" (S06PM8DS)
2006 Polaris Snowmobile 900 RMK 166" (S06PN8DS)
2006 Polaris Snowmobile 900 RMK 166" Dragon (S06PR8DS)
2008 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 144 (S08PK8FS)
2008 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 144 EURO (S08PK8FE)
2008 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 155 (S08PM6HS)
2008 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 155 EURO (S08PM6HE)
2008 Polaris Snowmobile 700 DRAGON RMK 163 (S08PH7JS)
2008 Polaris Snowmobile 700 DRAGON RMK 163 EURO (S08PH7JE)
2008 Polaris Snowmobile 700 RMK 155 (S08PJ7JS)
2008 Polaris Snowmobile 700 RMK 155 EURO (S08PJ7JE)
2008 Polaris Snowmobile 700 RMK EARLY PROD (S08PL7JST)
2008 Polaris Snowmobile 800 DRAGON RMK 155 (S08PG8ES)
2008 Polaris Snowmobile 800 DRAGON RMK 155 EURO (S08PG8EE)
2008 Polaris Snowmobile 800 DRAGON RMK 155 SPECIAL LATE PROD. (S08PG8ES)
2008 Polaris Snowmobile 800 DRAGON RMK 163 (S08PH8ES)
2008 Polaris Snowmobile 800 DRAGON RMK 163 EURO (S08PH8EE)
2008 Polaris Snowmobile RMK SHIFT 155 (S08PM6FS)
2008 Polaris Snowmobile RMK SHIFT 155 EURO (S08PM6FE)
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 600 DRAGON ES EURO (S09PE6HEL)
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK SHIFT 144 EURO
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK SHIFT 144
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK SHIFT 155 EURO
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK SHIFT 155
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RR EURO (S09MX6FE)
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 700 RMK 155 AND ES
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 800 ASSAULT RMK 146 (S09PL8ES)
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 800 DRAGON ES EURO (S09PE8EEL)
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 800 DRAGON RMK 155 (S09PG8ES)
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 800 DRAGON RMK 155 ES (S09PG8ESL)
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 800 DRAGON RMK 155 EURO (S09PG8EE)
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 800 DRAGON RMK 163 (S09PH8FS)
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 800 DRAGON RMK 163 ES (S09PH8ESL)
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 800 DRAGON RMK 163 EURO (S09PH8FE)
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 800 DRAGON SP (S09PE8ES)
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 800 IQ (S09PB8ES)
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 800 IQ ES EURO (S09PB8ESL)
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 155 (S09PM8ES)
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 155 ES (S09PM8ESL)
2009 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK SHIFT 144
2009 Polaris Snowmobile IQ WIDETRAK AND EURO (S09PU7ES)
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 550 IQ SHIFT INTERNATIONAL (2010) [S10PB5BEA]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 600 DRAGON SWITCHBACK (2010) [S10PS6]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 600 IQ TOURING INTERNATIONAL - SILVER (2010) [S10PT6HEM]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 600 PRO-RIDE RUSH (2010) [S10BF6KEA]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 600 PRO-RIDE RUSH (2010) [S10BF6KSA]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 600 PRO-RIDE RUSH (2010) [S10BF6KSL]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 144 (2010) [S10PK6HSA]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 144 INTERNATIONAL (2010) [S10PM6HSA]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 155 (2010) [S10PK6HSL]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 155 INTERNATIONAL (2010) [S10PM6HSL]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK ES (2010) [S10PK6HEA]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 600 WIDETRAK IQ (2010) [S10PU6KSL]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 600 WIDETRAK IQ INTERNATIONAL (2010) [S10PU6KEL]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 700 RMK 155 (2010) [S10PM7JSA]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 800 ASSAULT RMK (2010) [S10PL8ESA]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 800 ASSAULT RMK INTERNATIONAL (2010) [S10PL8EEA]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 800 DRAGON RMK 155 (2010) [S10PG8]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 800 DRAGON RMK 163 (2010) [S10PH8]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 800 DRAGON SWITCHBACK/ES/INTL (2010) [S10PS8]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 144 (2010) [S10PK8ESA]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 144 INTERNATIONAL (2010) [S10PM8ESA]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 155 (2010) [S10PK8ESL]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 155 INTERNATIONAL (2010) [S10PM8ESL]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK ES (2010) [S10PK8EEA]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile FS WIDETRAK IQ INTERNATIONAL (2010) [S10PU7EEL]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile FS WIDETRAK IQ/INTL (2010) [S10PU7ESL]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile FST IQ TOURING - BLUE (2010) [S10PT7FSL]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile FST IQ TOURING - TURBO SILVER (2010) [S10PT7FSM]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile FST IQ TOURING INTERNATIONAL - BLUE (2010) [S10PT7FEL]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile IQ TURBO DRAGON (2010) [S10PP7FEL]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile IQ TURBO DRAGON (2010) [S10PP7FSL]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile TRAIL TOURING/INTL/FLEET (2010) [S10NT5BEL]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile TRAIL TOURING/INTL/FLEET (2010) [S10NT5BSF]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile TRAIL TOURING/INTL/FLEET (2010) [S10NT5BSL]
2010 Polaris Snowmobile TRAIL TOURING/INTL/FLEET (2010) [S10NT5BSM]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 550 IQ SHIFT ES [S11PB5BSL]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 550 IQ SHIFT INTL [S11PB5BEA]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 550 IQ SHIFT [S11PB5BSA]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 550 SHIFT 136 CANADA [S11PR5BSN]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 550 SHIFT 136 INTERNATIONAL [S11PR5BEA]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 550 TOURING INTL [S11PT5BEL]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 600 IQ LXT INTL [S11PT6HEL]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 600 IQ SHIFT ES [S11PB6HSL]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 600 IQ SHIFT INTL [S11PB6HEA]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 600 IQ SHIFT [S11PB6HSA]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 144 ES [S11PK6HSL]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 144 INTL [S11PK6HEA]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 144 [S11PK6HSA]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 155 ES [S11PM6HSL]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 155 [S11PM6HSA]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SHIFT 136 INTL [S11PR6HEA]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 600 WIDETRAK IQ INTL [S11PU6MEL]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 600 WIDETRAK IQ [S11PU6MSL]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 800 PRO RMK 155/163/ES ALL OPTIONS [S11CG8]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 800 PRO RMK INTL [S11CH8]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK ASSAULT 155 (ORANGE) [S11CN8GSB]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK ASSAULT 155 (SILVER) (INTERNATIONAL) [S11CN8GEA]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK ASSAULT 155 (SILVER) [S11CN8GSA]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile FS WIDETRAK IQ INTL [S11PU7EEL]
2011 Polaris Snowmobile FS WIDETRAK IQ [S11PU7ESL]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 550 IQ LXT INTL. [S12PT5BEL]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 550 IQ SHIFT INTL [S12PB5BEA]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 550 SHIFT 136 CND ES INTL [S12PS5BEL]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 550 SHIFT 136 CND ES [S12PS5BSL]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 600 IQ LXT INTL [S12PT6HEL]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 600 IQ SHIFT INTL [S12PB6HEA]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 600 PRO RMK 155 ES INTL. [S12CG6GEL]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 600 PRO RMK 155 ES [S12CG6GSL]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 600 PRO RMK 155 [S12CG6GSA]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 144 ES [S12CK6]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 155 ES [S12CM6]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RUSH PRO R/SC/SP/ES/INTL ALL OPTIONS [S12BP6]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 600 WIDETRAK IQ INTL [S12PU6NEL]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 600 WIDETRAK IQ [S12PU6NSL]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 800 PRO RMK 155 [S12CG8]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 800 PRO RMK 163 [S12CH8]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 155 ES [S12CM8GSL]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 155 INTL [S12CM8GEA]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 155 [S12CM8GSA]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK ASSAULT 155 ES [S12CY8]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK ASSAULT 155 [S12CN8]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RUSH PRO-R ES RETRO [S12BV8]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RUSH PRO-R [S12BP8]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 800 Switchback Pro-R Adventure Retro Int'l. [S12BC8GEL]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile 800 Switchback Pro-R ES Intl [S12BS8GEL]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile FS WIDETRAK IQ INTL [S12PU7EEL]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile FS WIDETRAK IQ [S12PU7ESL]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile SWITCHBACK ASSAULT [S12CL8]
2012 Polaris Snowmobile SWITCHBACK ASSAULT [S12CW8]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 550 IQ LXT INTL [S13PT5BSL]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 550 SHIFT 136 CND ES INTL [S13PS5BEL]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 600 IQ LXT INTL [S13PT6HEL]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 600 PRO RMK 155 [S13CG6GEA]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 600 PRO RMK 155 [S13CG6GSA]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 600 PRO RMK 155 [S13CG6GSL]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 144 ALL OPTIONS [S13CK6]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 155 ALL OPTIONS [S13CM6]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RUSH PRO R INTL [S13BP6GEL]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SWITCHBACK PRO-R INTL [S13BS6GEL]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 600 WIDETRAK IQ INTL [S13PU6NEL]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 600 WIDETRAK IQ [S13PU6NSL]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 800 PRO RMK 155 ALL OPTIONS [S13CG8]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 800 PRO RMK 163 ALL OPTIONS [S13CH8]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 155 ES [S13CM8GSL]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 155 INTL [S13CM8GEA]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 155 [S13CM8GSA]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK ASSAULT ALL OPTIONS [S13CN8]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK ASSAULT ALL OPTIONS [S13CY8]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RUSH PRO-R ALL OPTIONS [S13BP8]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RUSH PRO-R ALL OPTIONS [S13BV8]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 800 SWITCHBACK ASSAULT ALL OPTIONS [S13CW8]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile 800 SWITCHBACK PRO-R ES ALL OPTIONS [S13BC8]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile FS WIDETRAK IQ INTL [S13PU7EEL]
2013 Polaris Snowmobile FS WIDETRAK IQ [S13PU7ESL]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 550 INDY ADVENTURE INTL [S14CE5BEL]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 550 INDY LXT INTL [S14CT5BSL]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 550 INDY VOYAGER INTL [S14CS5BEL]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 550 INDY VOYAGER [S14CS5BSL]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 600 IQ LXT INTL [S14PT6HEL]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 600 PRO RMK 155 ES INT [S14CG6GEA]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 600 PRO RMK 155 ES [S14CG6GSL]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 600 PRO RMK 155 [S14CG6GSA]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 144 [S14CK6]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 155 [S14CM6]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SWITCHBACK ASSAULT INTL [S14CW6]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SWITCHBACK PRO R ES INTL [S14BS6GEL]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 600 VOYAGER INTL [S14CS6GSL]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 600 VOYAGER [S14CS6GSL]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 600 WIDETRAK IQ INTL [S14PU6NEL]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 600 WIDETRAK IQ [S14PU6NSL]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 800 PRO RMK 155[S14CG8]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 800 PRO RMK 163 LE [S14CH8LE]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 800 PRO RMK 163 [S14CH8]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 800 PRO RMK LE 155 [S14CG8LE]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 155 ES [S14CM8GSL]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 155 INTL [S14CM8GSAGEA]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 155 [S14CM8GSA]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK ASSAULT 155 LE [S14CN8LE]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK ASSAULT 155 [S14CN8]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK ASSAULT 163 LE [S14CY8LE]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK ASSAULT 163 [S14CY8]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 800 SWITCHBACK ASSAULT INTL [S14CW8]
2014 Polaris Snowmobile 800 SWITCHBACK PRO R ES LE [S14BD8]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 550 INDY VOYAGER INTL [S15CS5BEL]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 550 INDY VOYAGER [S15CS5BSL]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 600 INDY VOYAGEUR 144 [S15CS6GSL]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 600 PRO RMK LE 155 [S15CG6]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 144 [S15CK6]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 155 LE [S15CC6]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 155 [S15CM6]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SWITCHBACK ASSAULT [S15CL6]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SWITCHBACK PRO-X ES INTL [S15DR6PEL]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 600 WIDETRAK IQ INTL [S15PU6NEL]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 600 WIDETRAK IQ [S15PU6NSL]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 800 PRO RMK 155 [S15CG8]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 800 PRO RMK LE 163 [S15CH8]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 155 LE [S15CC8]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 155 [S15CM8]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 163 LE [S15CD8]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK ASSAULT 155 [S15CN8]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK ASSAULT 163 [S15CY8]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 800 SWITCHBACK ASSAULT [S15CL8]
2015 Polaris Snowmobile 800 SWITCHBACK PRO-X [S15DR8PEL]
2016 Polaris Snowmobile 550 INDY VOYAGEUR [S16CS5BSL]
2016 Polaris Snowmobile 600 INDY VOYAGEUR [S16CS6GSL]
2016 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 144 [S16CK6GSA]
2016 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 155 [S16CM6GSA]
2016 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SWITCHBACK ADVENTURE [S16DA6PSL]
2016 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SWITCHBACK ADVENTURE INTL [S16DA6PEL]
2016 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SWITCHBACK ASSULT [S16CW6]
2016 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SWITCHBACK PRO-X INTL [S16DR6PL]
2016 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SWITCHBACK PRO-X [S16DR6PE]
2016 Polaris Snowmobile 600 WIDETRAK IQ INTL [S16PU6NEL]
2016 Polaris Snowmobile 600 WIDETRAK IQ [S16PU6NSL]
2016 Polaris Snowmobile 800 RMK 155 [S16CM8GSA]
2016 Polaris Snowmobile 800 SWITCHBACK ADVENTURE INTL [S16DA8PEL]
2016 Polaris Snowmobile 800 SWITCHBACK ASSULT [S16CW8]
2016 Polaris Snowmobile 800 SWITCHBACK PRO X [S16DR8]
2017 Polaris Snowmobile 600 INDY VOYAGEUR (WHITE LIGHTNING) [S17EEF6PSL]
2017 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 144 (INDY RED) [EEG6PSA]
2017 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 144 ES (INDY RED) [EEG6PSL]
2017 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SWITCHBACK ASSAULT 144 (BLACK PEARL) [S17EEC6PSA]
2017 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SWITCHBACK ASSAULT 144 2.0 (BLACK PEARL) [S17EEC6PSE]
2017 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SWITCHBACK ASSAULT 144 2.0 ES (BLACK PEARL) [S17EEC6PSR]
2017 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SWITCHBACK ASSAULT 144 ES (BLACK PEARL) [S17EEC6PSL]
2017 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SWITCHBACK PRO-X (INTL) [S17DDJ6PEM]
2017 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SWITCHBACK SP 144 (INDY RED) [S17EER6PSA]
2017 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SWITCHBACK SP 144 ES (INDY RED) [S17EER6PSL]
2017 Polaris Snowmobile 600 WIDETRAK IQ (BLACK) [PJA6NSL/NEL]
2017 Polaris Snowmobile 800 SWITCHBACK ADVENTURE (TITANIUM) [S17DDE8PSL]
2017 Polaris Snowmobile 800 SWITCHBACK ASSAULT 144 (BLACK PEARL) [S17EEC8PSA]
2017 Polaris Snowmobile 800 SWITCHBACK ASSAULT 144 2.0 (BLACK PEARL) [S17EEC8PSE]
2017 Polaris Snowmobile 800 SWITCHBACK ASSAULT 144 2.0 ES (BLACK PEARL) [S17EEC8PSR]
2017 Polaris Snowmobile 800 SWITCHBACK ASSAULT 144 ES (BLACK PEARL) [S17EEC8PSL]
2017 Polaris Snowmobile 800 SWITCHBACK PRO-X SNOWCHECK SELECT [S17DDJ8]
2018 Polaris Snowmobile 550 INDY LXT 144 (S18CED5)
2018 Polaris Snowmobile 550 INDY LXT 144 NORTHSTAR EDITION (S18CED5BSU)
2018 Polaris Snowmobile 550 VOYAGEUR 144 ES (INDY RED) (S18CEF5BSL)
2018 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK 144 (S18EEG6PSA)
2018 Polaris Snowmobile 600 RMK ES 144 (S18EEG6PSL)
2018 Polaris Snowmobile 600 SWITCHBACK XCR INTL (S18DDL6PEM)
2018 Polaris Snowmobile 600 VOYAGEUR 144 ES (S18EEF6PSL)
2018 Polaris Snowmobile 600 VOYAGEUR 144 ES INTL (S18EEF6PEL)
2018 Polaris Snowmobile 800 SWITCHBACK XCR INTL (S18DDL8PEM)
2018 Polaris Snowmobile 800 TITAN XC (S18FJP8)

Тип двигателя
Объём двигателя
550 см³, 600 см³, 800 см³
Марка техники
Тип техники